Setting Up a Home Studio

SETTING UP A HOME RECORDING STUDIO - BASIC TRAINING The voice over industry has changed in these last few years and voice casting on the internet is one of the main ways to audition and get work. images-home-studio-micNow, voice actors need to have technical skills in addition to their voice over talents, not only for auditions, but for jobs as well. YOU NEED TO HAVE A HOME STUDIO! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SET ONE UP? If not….Beverly Bremers is offering a workshop to help de-mystify the process. This 2-hour workshop will show the novice voice over "engineer" what to get, how to get it, and how to set it up – step by step in plain English. Learn about microphones, software programs, interfaces, the recording process, editing, converting files to MP3s, and emailing files. If you can work on a computer, you can do this! $40Paypal Button

Click here for the schedule, fees and locations.